Preparing Your Pet for Anesthesia

To optimize your pet’s safety during anesthesia, please complete the following steps:

  1. Review and follow our instructions prior to anesthesia below.
  2. Complete our Consent Form.
  3. Review our protocol for anesthesia and surgery and call us with any questions or concerns prior to the day of the procedure.

Instructions Prior to Anesthesia

To prepare your pet for anesthesia, please review the chart below and follow the specific instructions provided. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at (417) 334-7696.

Patient Status Allow Free Access to Water Withhold Food Feed Canned Food Special Instructions
Healthy 4-6 hours
Less than 8 weeks of age 1-2 hours in pre-op period in clinic
Less than 4.5 lbs 1-2 hours in pre-op period in clinic
Diabetic 2–4 hours 1/2 meal 2-4 hours prior Give 1/2 dose of insulin 2-4 hours prior
Avian 1 hour Bring food/treats, so they can be offered food immediately while in recovery
  • Most oral medications should be given as normal.
  • Most oral medications can be administered with as much as 1-2 tablespoons of canned food or pill-wrap paste.
  • Medications that lower blood pressure (benazepril, enalapril, telmisartan) should be discontinued 48 hours before anesthesia.