Many of these cats choose places like the owner’s bed.
Other Tidbits on Feline Housesoiling:
-“inappropriate” urination/defecation and urine mar…king are actual normal kitty behaviors — we just don’t like them!
-medical causes need to be rule out because they are COMMON!
-“Inappropriate Urination” = kitty has completely or partially stopped using the box, and is targeting more suitable areas (in his opinion). These cats are squatting and passing lots of urine.
-most litter boxes used are too small
-many cat litters used are nothing like dirt or sand
-signs of litter or litter box aversion: perching on the edge, minimal digging/covering, shaking the paws, exiting quickly
-causes of litter or litter box aversion: litter type change, inappropriate box or litter type, poor litter box clean-up on the owner’s part, history of a painful or scary event associated with the current litter and/or box
-studies show the most popular kitty preference is finely textured clay litter
-noisy appliances near the box frequently cause litter box aversions
-sometimes the box is too difficult to access – make sure the box(es) are in the cat’s core living area and easy access is not being prevented by other cats, a dog, or child
-urine “marking” (or spraying) is a normal method of cat communication. These kitties typically still defecate in the litter box, but urinate on target areas with social significance, like curtains near a window or owner suitcases.
-cats who are marking often stand with a raised tail, which is often twitching
-place an opaque film on the window or install motion detectors outside if outdoor cats are instigating the desire to urine mark
-confining one cat in a multi-cat home can help determine which cat is the culprit
-Treatment is highly individualized and depends on the underlying cause. Litter box and environmental modification are important in most cases, and sometimes medications are used. Spaying and neutering decreases the incidence of marking by 89%!!
-Get creative with trying to find a litter type your cat prefers — options like diapers, carpet swatches, towels, or even potting soil can help
-make sure there are plenty of litterboxes in a variety of locations – the rule of thumb is one box per cat plus one
-litter box maintenance: scoop at least once daily, completely change litter and wash with mild soap weekly
-clean soiled areas with a product labeled for cat urine. Using a black light to find the source of smell can be very helpful!
Please talk to us today if you’re having litter box blues at your house!