- Managing Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS) in Senior Pets: A Guide for Pet Owners
- Heart Disease in Dogs
- Unlocking the Secret to Optimal Feeding for Your Feline Friend
- Loyal Clinical Trial
- Behavior Issues
- Community Cat Coalition: Final Update
- Managing Chronic Kidney Disease in Cats
- Managing Chronic Kidney Disease in Dogs
- Keeping Your Dog’s Cholesterol in Check: A Guide to Hyperlipidemia
- Eliminate Jumping
- April is Heartworm Awareness Month
- Nu.Q Cancer Screen
- Community Cat Coalition: 100th feral cat helped!
- Shinrin-Yoku: How it May Benefit Your Pet
- Chronic Pain in Dogs & Cats
- Diet Associated DCM Updates
- Inappropriate Urination in Cats
- Creating a Cat-Friendly Home
- Pet Food: Choosing the Right Diet
- Fish Oil: Benefits & Risks for Dogs & Cats
- Dental Health in Dogs & Cats
- Exercise in Dogs
- Essential Oils
- CBD Supplements: Buyer Beware
- Home Cooked Diets
- Addressing Feline Aggression
- Vaccine Titers
- Heartworm Disease
- LiveClear Reduces Allergens in a Cat’s Coat
- Community Cat Coalition Update
- Happy Easter from Scooter & Jack!
- Spencer is recovering from Eosinophilic Bronchopneumonopathy
- Beau Jon is 13, making a healthy mouth all the more important
- Human Skin Ointment Often Fatal to Pets
- Community Cat Coalition Update
- George has been diagnosed with HCM!
- Jamilia is a complicated girl!
- Community Cat Coalition Update
- Stop reading your pet food ingredient list!
- 4th of July Pet Safety and Comfort Tips
- Cushing’s Disease in Dogs
- Community Cat Coalition Update
- Additions to our in-clinic art gallery
- Concerns with Grain-Free Pet Food: Updates on Diet-Associated Heart Disease in Dogs
- Check out our Local Art Display!
- CBD: Is it safe? Does it work? Is it legal?
- The only thing to fear is the fear of anesthesia
- Indoor/Outdoor cat tested positive for Rabies after biting owner
- Community Cat Coalition: January 2019 Updates
- What does a dog going through chemo look like?
- Meet Patrick, the ACC Elf!
- Community Cat Coalition Updates
- Big news! ACC’s Community Cat Coalition
- AAFP Updates Position on Cat Declaws
- Laser therapy for “back dogs”
- Chronic Kidney Disease in Senior Cats
- Pet First Aid Awareness Month
- Rabies in nearby Christian County
- Food allergy myths & misconceptions
- February Donation Drive was a success!
- Pet food safety
- Donation Drive: Animal Shelter & Thrift Shop
- 4th Annual Santa Photos Fundraiser
- Central Veterinary Conference
- Ouch! Things we find on “routine” exam
- Leptospirosis: it’s as scary as it sounds
- Feline Environmental Stimulation
- Monarch Butterfly Waystation
- Grain-Free Diets
- Clarence has been eating a little slower lately…
- Meet Our Latest “Bobcat Fever” Survivor
- 5 Signs Never to Ignore in Pets
- World Spay Day
- Meet Maisha the African Grey!
- Does your cat have insurance?
- National Check the Chip Day!!
- Feline Fun Fact Friday!
- Recall for Salmonella
- It’s getting hot! Do you know the signs of heat stress in your pet?
- Petting Zones
- Kids reading to shelter dogs. Can it get any more adorable?!?!
- Early Detection for Kidney Disease!
- Hero Cat
- Tapeworms — not just a danger for pets!
- The Kansas City Royals use therapeutic lasers
- Should my cat be microchipped?
- Update on the lawsuit against Blue Buffalo
- Did April showers bring May flowers to your home or garden?
- Updates on the Chicago Dog Flu Outbreak
- Rabies – is your family protected?
- Dog Flu – What We Know
- Say ahhhh!
- Top 5 Easter Toxins to Avoid
- Spring is here, and so are snakes!
- Pets and Vets: Feline breast cancer study hopes to find better treatments for animals and humans
- February is National Pet Dental Health Month!!!
- When in doubt…go with fake plants!
- All dogs go to Heaven
- Holiday Diets
- 9 Winter Safety Tips
- Maude the Wonder Dog!
- Cats on leash?
- Jake is Today’s Patient of the Day!!
- Our patient of the day, Thor the Pomeranian,
- Sweet Chrissy Moug is today’s Patient of the Day!
- How to Safely Sleep With Your Pet
- The genetic analysis results on Nutmeg are in!
- Adorable Gizmo and Gadget were Thursday’s patients of the day!
- This handsome gentleman is Cooper, our Patient of the Day!
- Sweet Angel Taylor is today’s Patient of the Day!
- Have we ever mentioned how much we love kittens?
- “The smallest feline is a masterpiece.”–Leonardo da Vinci
- Could your cat be suffering from arthritis?
- Handsome Cooper
- “Happiness is a warm puppy.”
- “Dogs are not our whole life… but they make our lives whole.”
- Sweet little Gabby Douglas is our patient of the day!
- Question of the day:
- We love our little visitors this week!
- Patient of the Day!
- Tough little Speranza…
- A Denver Zoo employee captured a bat in the primate area that was behaving erratically,
- Tai Tai, the newest member of A Parrot’s Perch Rescue,
- Because usually newborn photos include a newborn human baby…
- Happy 6th anniversary to Amanda, our Client Services Specialist, and her husband Clinton!
- Ebola is a zoonotic disease…
- Think Outside the Box to Prevent Kitties from Going Outside the Box:
- A Tale of Two Training Methods:
- Hallie Huffman is our Patient of the Day
- We’ve got a soft spot for senior pets, and this story breaks our hearts.
- Does Trifexis really kill dogs, or is the media just preying on the emotions of dog lovers?
- Adorable little Miss Roxie Edwards is today’s patient of the day!
- Beautiful Wendy is our Patient of the Day.
- Hello friends, it’s Maude checking in!
- Sweet little Scooter is today’s patient of the day!
- Cynder
- Spread information, not infections!
- TOP 10 FLEA MYTHS! Think you know everything about fleas?
- We love happy endings!
- Patient Of the Day
- We’re getting ready for another big day of new intake parrot exams
- Peanut spends some quality time with Morgan, one of our newest volunteers
- Over-the-Counter Pain Medicine: Why What’s Good for You Isn’t Good for Pets
- Distemper, parvo, rabies…
- Dangerous Myth:
- What greater gift than the love of a cat. -Charles Dickens
- Keep your canine cool this summer!
- My dog was diagnosed with “Medial Patella Luxation”–what does that mean??
- 6 Ways to Appreciate Your Pet
- Of ALL pathogens (infectious diseases) affecting humans, 61% are zoonotic
- Hookworms in Pets
- Sweet Molly Mason is our patient of the day
- Scamper Mason is our patient of the day.
- Today is Pet Fire Safety Day!
- A Parrot’s Perch Rescue new intake visit
- Here are some photos taken by one of our volunteers, Laura, during her last week here with us. Aren’t they amazing?!
- Today is World Pet Memorial Day
- “Grain-free” and “low-carb” dog kibble
- Blacky had heartworms in her urine during her pre-op examination prior to a routine spay. Oh yuck!!!
- Laser therapy sessions with Misha!
- Intestinal parasites…
- “She is clothed with STRENGTH and DIGNITY, and she LAUGHS without fear of the future.” -Proverbs 31:25
- 10 Dog Breeds Prone to Obesity
- Cats can be heroes, too! Warning — the end of the clip is graphic.
- These Were Michael Vick’s Fighting Dogs– But See Where They Are Now.
- Stress-Free Visits
- When is the best time to socialize your puppy?
- Hope
- Maude finished up week 2 of her chemotherapy protocol today, and she’s doing great!
- The Animal Care Clinic will be closed the week of May 26th through the 29th
- Purina vs. Blue Buffalo
- Temperatures are rising!
- Dental photos of the week!
- It’s Be Kind to Animals Week!
- Look…
- Happy Ferret Day!
- Maude
- Did you know…
- All dogs need a job — and personal trainer is a great one for many!
- Say NO to NUTS!
- Our favorite new drug of 2014 — APOQUEL!
- Peanut
- Diabetes is a common endocrine disorders in cats and dogs. Find out how to prevent it
- Update on Media Rumors Regarding Trifexis
- Watch out for these pet poisons this spring!
- Suspicious Pet Food Claims
- 6 Suspicious Pet Food Claims
- Cat food recalled due to potential Salmonella contamination
- Handsome Hunter, our Charcoal Labrador Retriever puppy patient, presents: A thorough synopsis of current research on when/if to neuter dogs
- Suni update
- It’s official
- There are two big myths that sabotage many human-canine relationships.
- Did you know normal human-to-human greetings are impolite in a dog greeting.
- Did you know most parrots have favorite colors, and may be fearful or avoid other colors?
- HB 1116 and SB 865 have been introduced in Missouri.
- Suni, the wonderbird!
- Horrifying hip x-ray
- “Who’s walking whom?”
- Alternate Dog Treats
- Peanut and Dr. Alison present:
- Breaking News:
- How to remove a tick from your pet
- Ticks!
- Help, my dog bites!
- Is dry food better for dental health than canned?
- Fun Fact Friday
- Chimpanzee released into the wild pauses to thank Jane Goodall
- Silver medal winner Gus Kenworthy plans to adopt stray puppies
- My cat has what?!
- The Labrador Retriever is the most popular breed for the 32nd year in a row! What’s your favorite breed?
- We’re so happy to see Missouri is on the list!
- Lost dog returned to owner after walking into his own vet’s office and being scanned for a microchip!
- Video: Puppy socialization
- What dental care does the doctor do for her own pets?
- Salmonella contamination prompts pet food recall
- “Do dental chews really work?”
- Veterinarian Confession: “I Don’t Brush My Dog’s Teeth”
- Cold Weather Tips from the ASPCA
- “Can I really brush my cat’s teeth at home?” In many cases, yes!
- “How do I brush my dog’s teeth?”
- “He’s doing great at home, but he does vomit once a week or so.”
- Teach Kids and Cats to Interact Safely — or how to create kid-safe pets and pet-safe kids!
- Today at Animal Care Clinic…
- Springfield cat summons help after owner suffers stroke
- January is Adopt a Rescue Bird Month
- Did you know inappropriate urination is the MOST COMMON symptom of separation anxiety in cats?
- The revolutionary new allergy medication for dogs, Apoquel, is finally available!
- Check out this animated video showing the 21-day development of a chick embryo within the egg. Very cool!
- Russian Mother Takes Magical Pictures of Her Two Kids With Animals On Her Farm
- What’s your favorite, purebreds or mixed breeds?
- What do you think: Has Michael Vick paid for his past, or not?
- Who can spot the source of stinky breath in this poor kitty?
- These Tri-Lakes HS cuties are way too cute for us not to share them! LIKE if you agree!
- Caution: Get your tissues ready
- FitBit for Dogs…
- Wondering what you can do to help birds survive the cold?
- A dog and cat in Florida have a strong, if unusual, bond.
- “How often does my pet need a professional dental cleaning?”
- A new study says that dogs choose the direction they relieve themselves based on our planet’s magnetic field opting to do their business along a north-south axis.
- Did you get a new puppy during the holidays?
- St. Louis is now cracking down on owners who leave their pets outside in the cold. Do you think Branson should adopt a similar stance?
- 5 tips for introducing kittens and kids
- Is your dog epileptic?
- We’re so proud of Tri-Lakes Humane Society for setting a new adoption record for 2013
- Hope’s Amputation Procedure
- For all the Peanut fans out there:
- Pet Photos with Santa Fundraiser
- Like a kid again
- Today at the Animal Care Clinic
- Hope’s Eye Removal Surgery (Enucleation)
- “The Fat Dog Diet”
- Lyme Disease
- Pet Photos with Santa
- Identifying Pet Emergencies: When to See a Vet, Stat!
- No Scaredy Cats This Halloween: Top 10 Safety Tips for Pet Parents
- 7 Things You Can Do to Make Halloween Safer for Your Pet
- Is it ok to feed my bird a seed-based diet?
- “How much should my pet be eating everyday?”
- Jerky treat mystery: Nearly 600 pets dead; still no source, FDA says
- Cats Who Play Rough
- Why Diagnostic Tests are Important to Your Pet
- Lolita and Amanda Present: Feather-Plucking Parrots
- Penny Presents: Facts About Ehrlichiosis
- Penny Waiting
- Interesting New Dog Hybrids
- Dr. Parnell’s Official Retirement Announcement to Clients
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